Vendôme Travellers

Vendôme Circle’s travel services include both a range of tours as well as curated travel (Bespoke Experiences). Our guests are able to enjoy unique, customised tours that put culture and history at the fore.

In addition, we also have a private club based in Paris, which we are looking to expand both in Paris, in Europe and elsewhere in the world via a subscription service.

Historically, our travel services have been available on an à la carte basis. We are now considering the creation of a new membership option—called Vendôme Travellers—designed solely for the guests of our travel services.

Vendôme Travellers would have reductions on travel services and also have access to some of our events in France as well as online content and events.

It is our goal to create an ever larger community around Vendôme Circle, here in Paris, in Europe and around the world.

Sign up below if you are interested in learning more.